Pius Mawanda Suuna
CPA Pius holds a Master of Business Administration in Business Administration and Management from Uganda Martyrs University. He is a Certified Public Accountant having qualified with CPA-U. He is an active member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPA-U). He is also a Certified Tax Advisor (CTA) and a Licensed Tax Agent.
CPA Pius is the Managing Partner of Cartwright Certified Public Accountants. He has a wealth of experience in Auditing, Financial Management, Accounting and Tax Advisory.
Pius is the Director of Finance with Action Group for Health Human Rights and HIV/AIDS (AGHA) an NGO responsible promotion of Human Rights and Health for All. He is the Board Treasurer of PREFA (Protecting Families Against HIV/AIDS. As a Board Treasurer, and Director of Finance, he is responsible for providing strategic direction to the institution and advising the Board on financial matters before key decisions are taken.
Pius was one of the founder members of Global Professional Solutions Limited (GPSL) a professional accountancy training institution and a Trainer in the same Institution teaching Auditing, Financial Reporting and Financial Management papers. He has served as the first Managing Director and Chairman Board of Directors of the GPSL from its inception in January 2008 until when he retired from the College in June 2014. As Managing Director and Chairman of GPSL he was responsible for providing strategic direction to the College and chairing all Board meetings.
Pius has wide exposure in training and capacity building having taught in most of the leading Accountancy training institutions in Uganda (ranging from Global Professional Solutions Ltd- GPSL, Management & Accountancy Training Ltd –MAT, Zenith Business College- ZBC and Multitech Accountancy Program now Multitech Business School). He has facilitated in Training Workshops both in Uganda and at Regional level in Nairobi (Most importantly on Continuing Professional Development Programs-CPDs, particularly those organized by ICPA-U)
He has served as Head of Finance of K2 Telecom which was his last full-time employment before moving on to concentrate on managing the Practice affairs on a full-time basis.
He has served as the Chief Accountant of Uganda Martyrs University. As Chief Accountant, he headed the University’s Accounts and Finance department where He was the Accounting officer on all University financial matters.
Pius has a wide range of experience in Audit, Accounting and Financial Management. He has practiced in some of the leading audit firms in Uganda (particularly PKF Uganda where he spent the greater part of his practicing career). His areas of specialty then were Consultancy and Auditing. He has wider experience in profit and non-profit making enterprises. Pius has undertaken several consultancy assignments for both profit and non-for-profit making institutions (particularly due diligence assignments, financial review, compliance assessments, advise on internal controls’ existence and effectiveness, etc.)
He has audited and accounted for several donor funded projects ranging from EU funded projects, UNHCR funded projects, Cordaid funded projects, NUFFIC funded projects, USAID funded projects and projects funded by Swedish Government.
Pius has wide exposure with Auditing, Accounting and Financial Management soft wares ranging from Sun systems, Tally accounting systems, Pastel Accounting package, Quick Books, Caseware, Inspiro People, Excel and Micro soft office generally.